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Diamond H Farm

1245 Leeport Road

Diamond H Farm
Because we are a small family farm, CSA members will recieve produce as it becomes available. CSA members recieve the Absolute Best of the produce that is picked. Full Shares will recieve enough produce to feed a 3-4 person family for a week plus one lb of ground beef, beef patties or ground sausage (with occasionally eggs, bacon or link sausage)every week and half shares will recieve enough produce to feed a 1-2 person family for a week with one lb of Ground beef, beef patties, or ground sausage (with occasionally eggs, bacon or link sausage) every week. Please, Visit Our Listing to see produce that we will have available. We are excited about the upcoming year, we have been making preparations to expand our vegetable production into some more "exotic" produce such as dryed beans or black-eyed peas for example. We are also expanding our meat production from Beef, Pork and Lamb into this year eggs, Pay before march 1st and save $10.00 on a half share and $25.00 on a full share.

We have a meat CSA in the fall/Winter/Early Spring months. You pay in advance for the months you wish to participate in. A full share is 25 lbs of meat and a half share is 12 lbs of meat. the pick up is the 1st Saturday of each month. we have beef/pork mix shares still available.

Diamond H Farms is a family farm that has survived 2 generations and is watching the third generation increase the diversity of crops and livestock grown on it. We dedicate our time to preserving the family farm heritage. All produce are grown under as natural practices as we can, using some conventional methods to allow better management. All of our livestock is ASH (Antibiotic, Steroid, and hormone) Free. and is aloud to roam freely in a pasture.

Our Black Angus cross cattle and Hampshire/Polypay lambs are free range on grass and hay with a restricted diet of corn to improve the marbeling. Baby Black Elephant Pigs (Large English Black) and Hampshire pigs are free range fed with the addition of vegetable waste. We provide a Produce CSA from May thru Oct. and a Meat CSA from late Oct. thru Early-April.

CSA Details:
-Season:May through October
-Type:Single farm
-No of Shares:25
-Full Share:$700 for Produce & Meat CSA $600 for Produce Only
-1/2 Share:$375 for Produce & Meat CSA $300 for Produce Only
-Work Req?:No

Pick Up/Drop Off Points:
Boone Co. Farmers Market  (Sat)
-Contact:Chad Heveline
-Address:6028 Camp Ernst Road,Burlington, KY 41005

Dixie Farmers Market
Thursday's 2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
-Contact:Chad Heveline
-Address:Erlanger Baptist Church parking lot, 116 Commonwealth Avenue
Earlanger, KY 41018

Lagrange Farmers Market  (Sat)
Members may pick up their shares between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM at the Lagrange Farmers market around the Lagrange Courthouse.
-Contact:Greg Heveline