The Downingtown Area Chamber of Commerce was established in 1945 and incorporated in 1947 and, as meet the changing needs of the Downingtown community. The Chamber's goals are to compliment and expand existing services that benefit the community. It often presents programs which do not exist in any other service organization in the different boroughs. The Chamber works to unify and support the business community. We are proud to be known as "The Good Neighbor Community." We maintain and provide an environment that keeps Downingtown the best place to work, shop and live.
Our members, approximately 250, are business owners, professionals, industrial companies, residents, and organizations interested in supporting the activities and ideals of our community. We are interested in the continuing economic prosperity of our area and are proud of the involvement of our members in this endeavor and salute their efforts.The governing body of the Chamber is the Board of Directors. The Chamber accomplishes its goals and objectives through volunteer members who serve on committees. The Board of Directors meet the first Tuesday of every month and the General Membership Meeting is held the third Tuesday of every month.