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Dublin Soccer League

6631 Commerce Parkway, Suite Q

About Us

Since early 2001, the Dublin Soccer League has discussed with Dublin city officials a variety of issues including field and facilities development, updating current lease arrangements, etc. Discussion evolved into an overall evaluation of the relationships between the city and community service groups.

On June 10th of 2004, the Dublin Soccer League signed an agreement with the city that formally recognizes separate divisions of soccer in the Dublin community. First and foremost, the city recognizes the DSL as the provider of outdoor recreational soccer within the community. The agreement recognizes two club select soccer programs in the City of Dublin – Ohio Football Club (OFC) and Ohio Premier (OP). The agreement also provides for the recognition of one “middle tier” (MTO) soccer program to provide soccer opportunities at a level between general recreation and club soccer.

As part of this agreement, the Dublin Soccer League will conduct elections this fall in order for a newly reorganized board of directors to take office on January 1, 2005. Two at-large representatives and two coaches (coach or co-coach) will normally serve two-year, staggered, terms. For this initial election, one of the at-large representatives and one of the coach representatives will be elected to serve for a one-year term only. To simplify the election process, whether for the at-large or coach group, the individual receiving the most votes would serve a two-year term and the individual receiving the second most votes would serve a one-year term. After this initial election, one at-large representative and one coach would be elected each year to a two-year term. A candidate may run for only one position, as a coach or as at-large representative, but not both.

To be eligible, candidates must be a parent/guardian who paid a fee for a child/adult to participate in a DSL recreation program and resides within the Dublin City School District or City of Dublin.
