Eastminster is a church of people, from all walks of life with many varied backgrounds. Some have children and some do not. Some are married, others are not. Some of us live close by and others make the drive weekly. We are a people of different ages groups. People with distinctly different needs.
Some have large loads from the past to deal with. Others have small loads. We worship in different ways, with different styles of music, and in different locations on campus. But we meet to worship a living God and draw encouragement from each other in the process. We meet because that's what Jesus would have us do.
We worship together because that's what Jesus said for us to do. We help each other because Jesus set the example and we share the love of Christ with a dying world because that's what's on his heart. We are by God's grace, a church of people, we just happen to use these wonderful buildings here at Eastminster as a place to meet.