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Elim Mission Church

405 Broadway Avenue South


As a congregation, Elim is rooted and grounded in historic, biblical Christianity. Our objective as a congregation is to help people come to know Christ, grow in faith and become engaged in ministry. Congregationally governed, we are also affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church and the Evangelical Covenant Church.

In the pages of this website you will see more explicitly who we are, as well as some of the things we do in order to make our mission as a congregation a reality.

Come on in and look around. We think you will like what you see. Better yet, come and be with us. We look forward to the opportunity to become a meaningful part of your life.


Elim Mission exists with the purpose of helping people come to know Christ, Grow in faith, and Engage in ministry.

OUR CORE VALUES                  

BIBLICAL TEACHING                          

2 Timothy 3:16-17; Psalm 119

The Bible is the foundation of all church ministry, taught in a relevant and appropriate way for the spiritual transformation of the individual and the church body.

CORPORATE PRAYER                              

Ephesians 6:18; Col. 4:2

God calls the congregation to a life of prayer. We commit ourselves to weekly and special times of corporate prayer.

GLOBAL AND LOCAL OUTREACH                    

Matthew. 28:18-20

The Bible teaches that God loves everyone and wants all to have eternal life. Therefore we will actively participate in evangelism through prayer, finances, ministry, and outreach efforts to all ages.

LOVING RELATIONSHIPS                          

John 13:34-35; I Cor. 13; 1 John 3:16

God's love is demonstrated in how we love and care for one another. We will seek to encourage and nurture through fellowship, acts of service and visitation.

FAMILY FOCUSED                                

Deut. 6:4-9; Psalm 78:1-11; Joshua 24:15

The ministry of the church is to complement and support the work of parents in their role as spiritual leaders of their children. Therefore the church will provide training opportunities that strengthen the family.


2 Corinthians 8 & 9

Biblical stewardship means being obedient in sharing of our time, talents and finances. Therefore we will teach and practice biblical stewardship for the glory of God.


Col. 3:15 - 17; 1 John 2:6

Christian maturity means becoming like Christ in character and action. This is accomplished through the disciplines of prayer, study of the Bible, worship, meditation, fasting and ministry.

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT                        

1 Timothy 3:1-13; 2 Timothy 2:2

God calls us to various levels of leadership. Our goal is to effectively develop leaders who display spiritual discernment, servant attitudes, strategic focus and the exercise of leadership gifts.

CENTRALITY OF WORSHIP                        

Psalm 100; Hebrews 13:15-16

Our lives are to be an act of worship. Therefore we worship God by serving Him in our daily lives and by offering praises and adoration in corporate worship.


Matthew 28:19; Colossians 1:28

We desire that all believers be discipled and grow in maturity to disciple others through community groups, families, and small groups to grow the local church of Elim for the kingdom of God.
