we supply the community with much needed food and cothing and counseling as needed. we have been doing this for 19 years. over 300 families rely on us monthly for commodities and clothing. we serve over 1600 hot meals per month to the poor and needy. as of late with the economy in te shape it in, we are on the verge of closing our doors. we are askig the community beginning on june 1st,2010 to go to pepsirefresh.com and vote for emerald coast ministries in the hopes of receiving a grant to continue the services we provide. we do not charge for any services and do it for the compassion of our fellow man in need. ourstaff is not paid and we do these services 7 days a week 365 days a year. even tho we cannot pay our bills for the past 2 months, we still help all that come here in need. so we are asking for all the support possible thru the community to continue our work. PLEASE VOTE FOR US AT PEPSIREFRESH.COM