The Emerson Bible Church recently celebrated its 100 year anniversary. In 1897, the town of Etna, now known as Emerson, did not contain a church or Sunday School. In September 1897, a group of concerned Christians started the Sunday School. On November 12, 1900, the first church service was held in the same building that is used today. The educational/gym building was dedicated on January 10, 1971. EBC continues the ministry of gospel preaching and teaching to this day.
We believe the Bible to be God's Holy Inspired word, written by men, under the direction and inspiration of God, and that is what we teach and preach.
We believe that man is a lost sinner and in need of a savior.
We believe that Adam and Eve were created in a sinless state, but because of a personal choice, allowed themselves to be deceived by Satan, and fell into sin. Mankind is now born in a sinful condition, and we believe, therefore, that every person has sinned.
We believe that Jesus Christ is both totally God and totally man.
We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.
We believe that Jesus was, and is, absolutely sinless.
We believe that Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood for us, was buried and rose again. He thereby conquered death for all who would believe and trust in Him for salvation and forgiveness of sin.
We believe that salvation is a gift of God by grace, wholly apart from human merit. This undeserved gift is given to those who have faith. By asking Him into our hearts, by asking His forgiveness of our sins, we establish a personal relationship with Him.
We believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- three persons existing in one God -- the Trinity.
We believe that Jesus Christ, has ascended back into heaven, where He is preparing a place for all who have personally trusted in Him. He is coming again to take all believers with Him to Heaven.
We believe those who have rejected Him will spend an eternity in Hell without hope or opportunity of salvation. That is why God's Word clearly states..."Today is the day of salvation."
We believe in two ordinances after one has been saved -- the Lord's Supper and baptism by immersion.