Emmanuel Covenant Church is a congregation of Christian believers who are united for the chief purpose of glorifying the Triune God. We strive to proclaim and obey His revelation as found in the Bible. We recognize the entire Bible, Old and New Testament, as the inspired rule of faith and life for the Christian the straightedge by which our lives must be conformed.
As we strive to glorify God in all that we do, the congregation of Emmanuel Covenant Church desires to make disciples of all nations; promote submission to God's Word in all areas of human life and endeavor; nurture and educate believers and their households in the Christian faith; administer the sacraments and moral discipline within the church; and lead the congregation in united worship, the encouragement of one another, fellowship, and charitable service.
The Concerns of Emmanuel
We are concerned about ...
- Teaching the entire Bible, not just a small portion.
- Encouraging understanding and application of that which the Bible teaches.
- Taking a serious approach to the worship of the living God.
- Standing in the distinctive and solid tradition of Reformed Christianity.
- Encouraging families to be Christian in all that they do including the training and education of their children.
- Being a congregation that values the gifts of others and emphasizes the obligations we have to one another.
The Goals Of Emmanuel
Churches ought to be concerned with the truth of Scripture and its application to every sphere of life. Emmanuel Covenant Church pursues and proclaims the necessary emphases of doctrine and duty, profession and practice, to every aspect of existence: home, church, and society.
Emmanuel Covenant Church, standing in a distinctive Reformed and Protestant tradition, recognizes the Westminster Confession of Faith and its Shorter and Larger catechisms (originally adopted in Scotland in 1647 and 1648 respectively) as a doctrinal statement. Our ultimate authority, however, is the Word of God, to which all matters, including creeds and confessions, must be subject.
ECC has a special interest in working with other Christian churches and groups throughout our community and the world. We welcome opportunities to labor with them in common goals in the name of Christ. In addition, we look forward to entering into either informal fellowship or formal association with like-minded churches who have common standards and objectives.