At Fairview we demonstrate “Panther Pride”. Students meet regularly to celebrate birthdays, academic accomplishments, and recognize achievements and special events outside of school. Each Panther Pride meeting has a different theme designated to strengthen the “community” of learners at Fairview. The Panther Pride meetings are used in conjunction with the Hurt Free School initiative that teaches children about positive school behaviors that help to create a welcoming school climate.
Parent participation is encouraged and welcomed at Fairview. Parents work in our classrooms with students needing some extra one-on-one time. They help in our library and are an integral part of our Junior Achievement and Reading is Fundamental (RIF) program. Our Parent Teacher Organization provides resources for field trips, assemblies, and programs like our Fall Festival and Mayfair. All of these energetic and vibrant volunteers make a significant contribution to the total school experience of our children.
Your child’s safety and security are a number one concern to us at Fairview. We have all access doors locked throughout the school day. Admittance to the building is achieved through a buzz-in system involving a monitor and verification through the office. All visitors must sign in at the office and wear a visitor’s badge at all times. For everyone’s protection, all volunteers will be screened prior to having contact with our children. Fairview has a latch key program to assist parents in caring for their children before and after school. Housed in the all purpose room, and run by an outside agency, this program has proven successful for many of our working parents.