About Us :
Faith Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Church of America. Currently, Faith is presently being served by Pastor William Twynham. The congregation has 182 baptized members and an average worship attendance of 50.
Many different activities and stewardship projects are completed throughout the year at Faith. Friends and members participate in the Adopt-A-Road program by keeping a mile of Derby Road clean. Faith has financially supported many individuals in their times of need and also many charities through direct donations and "Love Offerings." These charities include R.A.V.E. (Relief After Violent Encounters), The Baby Pantry, Habitat for Humanity, Hurricane Katrina relief, World Hunger, Mich-Lu-Ca camp, and many others. The women organize an annual Bazaar, makes quilts for Lutheran World Relief, put together health and school kits for Lutheran World Relief, and support the efforts of Luther Village and Lutheran Social Services.
Prayer is an important aspect of Faith Lutheran Church. The church maintains an active prayer chain, and it gives prayer shawls to those in need of comfort. Those attending church are encouraged to offer special prayers for friends, relatives, and others in need of comfort.
Lay people play integral parts at Faith. In addition to the usual jobs of ushering, greeting etc., lay people also read lessons, select hymns, deliver communion to shut-ins, and occasionally preach.
Music is an exciting aspect of Faith. Faith is blessed to have two gifted organists/pianists who together create wonderful sounds. Faith also features a choir of ten lay people.
Sunday School is held September through the end of May. A Vacation Bible School is held during July. For more information, please visit the Youth page. Also, Faith Lutheran Church has a nice nursery room for younger children (and their parents). The room has a sound system that allows the worship service to be heard in the nursery for those who would like to follow along with the service while watching their little ones.