To win souls to Christ and to build up and strengthen individuals and families through the teaching and application of the Word of God
To win souls into the spiritual Family of God
To train and nurture them as Children of God
To equip them with Knowledge and Understanding of God and His Word
To teach them to practically apply the Word of God
To send them forth as witnesses of the saving Grace of God
Take the learning, worship, prayer and praise experience with God beyond the four walls of the traditional church building and into the homes, lives and hearts of individuals and families throughout the United States by establishing and maintaining in-home ministries.
I will love and respect our Lord, Jesus Christ and consider Him in all that I say and do.
I will love and respect my family and prefer them above others.
I will love and respect myself and treat my body as the temple of the Holy Spirit.
I will live my life with moral standards as outlined in the Word of God.
I will live my life with integrity, remaining truthful and honest in every situation.
I will not be associated with anything or anyone having a negative influence on me or my witness for Christ.
I am willing to show the love of God toward my fellow man so that he might come to know God for himself.