The mission of Federalsburg Elementary School is to ensure a nurturing and safe learning environment that is centered on students’ needs in partnership with their home and our community. Together we will build a strong foundation for college and career level academic achievement by challenging our students academically and socially.
To achieve this mission we will live by these guiding principles:
Our students will commit to meeting high academic and social expectations by being ready, respectful, and responsible learners, taking risks, attending school everyday, and treating others with respect.
Our teachers will hold students to high expectations through a rigorous and engaging curriculum including problem based learning and hands on, investigative inquiry. Teachers will empower students to take responsibility for their learning and will collaborate in a professional and collegial manner; to ensure that students have the strategies and tools needed to become lifelong learners. Our teachers will welcome parents and community members as partners.
Our parents are our partners in fostering the education of all of our children. We welcome families to conferences, parent nights, and school events to celebrate, learn, teach us, and give their input in this shared responsibility.
Our community is encouraged to share our vision through local business and organization sponsorship and volunteering.
Through collaboration, all members will develop a professional learning community that supports and holds each team member accountable for a positive, child-centered, rigorous learning environment at Federalsburg Elementary School.