Our mission is to develop faithful followers of Jesus Christ. We will seek to accomplish this through the fulfillment of three objectives in the lives of our church family.
About Us:
In April of 1973, the group of people that would become Fellowship General Baptist Church met for the first time. They gathered in the Town and Country Restaurant, owned by Sid and Lois Ferguson. God wanted them together, and by July of that same year they officially organized as a church.
Over the years, God has blessed the ministry of this special people. Literally hundreds have experienced the life-changing power of the gospel: souls saved and souls reclaimed ; young men and women called into ministry; lay people trained and activated; and need-meeting ministries performed (the hungry fed, the naked clothed, the cold warmed, the sick and imprisoned visited; and widows, orphans, and handicapped cared for.
This is Fellowship Church's calling. It's our past. It's our present. It's our future.