Our Mission:
Helping the Greater Findlay region to grow and prosper
We will have...
Financial resources to achieve goals, diverse revenue sources
Job ready sites in Greater Findlay
Member retention rate in the top 10% of the nation
Talented and dedicated team members
The best private/public partnership in Ohio
We will do...
Create a small business development center - Center for Entrepreneurship
Aggressively market the community
Create a center of commerce and tourism
We will be...
Recognized as one of the best growth micropolitan communities in the U.S.
Center for technology acceleration in the state
Respected and valued as a business advocate and partner
The undisputed economic development leader in the region
About Us:
As Hancock County's chief business advocacy organization, the Findlay-Hancock County Chamber of Commerce unites nearly 1,000 business and professional firms, thereby creating a unique central organization working to improve business and build an even stronger community.
Douglas S. Peters, Chamber president and CEO, points out that The Chamber and the business community both continue to enjoy growth. He said that The Chamber's membership numbers continue to exceed the national average for a community the size of Hancock County. He gives credit to the many affinity programs offered through The Chamber, which include medical insurance, group buying power and other benefits. The advocacy role played by The Chamber has also impacted the increased number of companies joining The Chamber.