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2817 Santiam Highway SouthEast
It is important for any organization to have a documented vision statement. At First Assembly, we have adopted an easy-to-remember abbreviation which encompasses--in simplified form--who we are and what we do: Worth, Worship, and Witness, these things we hold in common.
Worth: Giving every person his or her God-appraised value.
You have enormous worth in the eyes of God. There are many, many examples in the Bible of how much He loves and values you, and at First Assembly, we have chosen to embrace and communicate this love. You are valuable to us. You have worth to us. From the youngest child, to the wisest senior citizen--from the poorest single mother, to the wealthiest traditional family--our vision is that every individual experiences and fully realizes his or her God-appraised value.
Worship: Giving God all the glory and honor due His Name.
We have been given a great gift--the ability to worship God. He didn't create us as beings who must worship Him, rather, He wants us to desire to worship Him. At First Assembly, we have chosen to emphasize worship, not just while in a church service, but as a daily life-style as well. Our vision is that each person embraces and experiences a life of Biblical worship that will give God all the glory and honor that is due His Name.
Witness: Giving the world an adequate expression of God's love and grace.
We have heard and believe in the good news of Jesus Christ, but it cannot simply end with us. God has given us a mission, He said, "Go and make disciples of all nations..." (Matthew 28:19) From Albany and the surrounding communities, to the farthest nations of the world, we preach and teach of God's love--and support others who do the same. It's our responsibility to obey God's command, and it's our vision to continually give the world an adequate expression of God's love and grace.
These things we hold in common.
Whether you step inside our Sanctuary for a worship service, or meet someone at work who calls First Assembly their family, we hope that you'll perceive a real sense of unity. We have agreed to work together within our vision, We would love to have you join with us and realize for yourself that...
Worth, Worship, and Witness, these things we hold in common!
Throughout our 83-year history, the following beliefs have been our Bible-based, unchanging foundation. (Condensed from the pamphlet, "The Assemblies of God, Our 16 Doctrines, A Paraphrased Version of Statement of Fundamental Truths.")
We believe the Bible is inspired of God.
We believe there is one true God and Jesus Christ is fully God.
We believe in the fall and salvation of mankind.
We believe in the ordinances of the church (baptism in water and holy communion).
We believe in the baptism in the Holy Spirit with speaking in other tongues and in sanctification (separating ourselves unto God).
We believe in the church and its mission, the ministry, and divine healing.