About Us
All you have made will praise you, O Lord; your saints will extol you. They will tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might, so that all men may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.
At First Assembly we have the God-given desire to provide a loving, caring, stable environment conductive to imparting the things of God into people of all ages. We desire to provide a place of refuge where people feel loved, needed, wanted, accepted, and secure. We believe that God has challenged us, is equipping us and blessing us with the privilege of imparting His Truths into the lives of others.
It is our commitment before God to see that every person is ministered to in their individual needs - spiritually, physically, and emotionally. In order to accomplish this we feel we must have facilities that are attractive, efficient, and functional; reflecting a spirit of excellence that will bring honor to God. We strive to instruct people in such a way that it can be clear that there is a God who cared enough to sacrifice his only Son, Jesus Christ, so that they may have life, and have it more abundantly through an intimate, personal relationship with Him.
It is our privilege to help people discover the tools that will help them develop their personal relationship with Christ by teaching and training in the principles of Christianity and by offering them opportunities to make an eternal difference for the Kingdom of God. In teaching people about the Holy Spirit and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we encourage them to experience His presence by allowing freedom for the Spirit of God to move through our services, keeping in order all things according to God's Word.
We desire to help everyone realize the call of God on their individual lives so that they might submit themselves to God's spirit and His direction and perfect will for their lives. We will offer opportunities for involvement in missions both foreign and home and strive to improve stewardship by encouraging people to give of their time, talents, and finances, knowing that God blesses those who are a blessing to others. We desire to make an impact, to see a change within each life, and for every person to experience God as their savior, their healer, their deliverer, their protector, their comforter, their creator, their strength, their peace, their provider, and their security. We aim to stimulate their appetite for God in such a way that they would develop unwavering faith with all the assurance that God desires to use them in mighty ways.
Our desire is for a multi-ethnic church, that everyone know Jesus as their personal savior, regardless of race or economic status, and being equipped with the full armor of God, and leave our services with a determination to bring Glory and Honor in All that they do, to the God of their salvation.
During the time that Pastor Tim has been our pastor, one thing we have learned from him is how important Sunday School is. Sunday School is the place where you can learn about God on a more personal level, and it is also the place where the "bedrock truths" of Christianity can be learned about and explored. Without those "bedrock truths" we have learned that we have no foundation to build upon, and that is why Pastor always stresses the importance of Sunday School. Bluefield First Assembly offers Sunday School classes from nursery all the way up to Adults...there is something for everyone! We appreciate all our faithful Sunday School teachers for all their hard work and dedication!