Statement of Faith
We believe in the Lordship of Jesus Christ over all things. He is the Head of
His church. We believe in the empowering and enabling of the Holy Spirit. We
believe in the authority and integrity of the Holy Scriptures as the foundation
for all that we do as a congregation. We believe that in Christ "There is
neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in
Christ Jesus." Gal.3:28
We believe in the importance of unceasing prayer, and that both the individual
and the congregation is called of God to a life of prayer.
We believe in reverent and joyous worship that exalts God, celebrates being the
people of God, and seeks the face of God.
We believe in unity through diversity as a church body, affirming and respecting
the uniqueness of each person under God, while always working toward the unity
of the Spirit in all matters.
We believe that our church is called to be on a mission outward to meet the
needs of persons in our local community, our region, and throughout the world,
as we partner with all those we might to accomplish that mission.
We believe in a church membership of persons who have been born again through
faith in Jesus Christ and who demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit in fellowship
and ministry together.
We believe that we are stewards, not owners, of all that we possess and that God
magnifies our time, talents, and resources as we offer them to Him in the
service of His kingdom.