First Baptist Church has been in existence for 57 years. The church began through the efforts of Bro. Charles Ashcraft, who came to Harrison, Ohio, in 1946 and began to preach the Gospel. For two years he had no fruit of his labor, but after this two-year period, souls began to be saved. On March 28, 1948, the church was organized with about 34 charter members. Bro. Charles Ashcraft was called as the first pastor.
The church grew in number, and a building was built. In the 1950's, the building was completed and housed as many as 600 people at one time. On special occasions, many people were turned away because of the size of the crowd.
Many hands helped in the construction of the building. Many of those people are now gone, but the memories are still alive in the minds of some. They remember the hard work, the tight budget and the tireless effort of those who gave of their means and their time to put up a good building for the saints of the Lord.