About Us:
First Christian Church of Canyon Country is a fellowship of believers who strive to live by the New Covenant given to us by God, as revealed in the Bible, spelled out in the New Testament. We trust Jesus' life, death, and resurrection for our forgiveness and salvation and follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit in living day by day. We come from many different social, racial, economic, and religious backgrounds, yet find unity, love, and friendship in our mutual faith in Jesus Christ.
We like to say "we are real, relational and relevant." These are the answers to the three biggest reasons that most people do not go to church. For those whose perception or experience of church has been that it isn't real - that it's full of hypocrites who act one way on Sunday and another the rest of the week . . . we say you will find people here who are honest about their hurts, habits and hang-ups. We are not perfect in anyway, and we won't hide that on Sundays. We just love God and what He has done for us in Jesus Christ and want Him to help us through our problems. For those whose perception or experience has been that church is irrelevant... we say you won't find that here. We address the concerns, questions and problems you face today. The messages often focus on issues of family, relationships, addictions, life's biggest questions, etc. Our music is casual and contemporary - and you can really come as you are. Most people wear jeans and a shirt - though if you like, you are welcome to wear a suit or a dress. In our small group Bible studies (held throughout the week), people can really share their struggles, needs and questions in a more intimate setting. For those whose perception or experience has been that church is a place they can't fit in . . . we say go ahead and try. We dare you. The most frequent comment of newcomers to our church is that it is so friendly and they felt at home. Chances are you will know several people who are already a part of the church family. And it is a family. This is a church where people from all walks of life come and feel that they belong. Pastor Bill has often said that our theme song is the theme song from "Cheers." That's the kind of welcoming atmosphere we strive to develop and keep, and it's authentic. The diverse makeup of our church family is proof of that.