People in attendance that first Sunday in April 1966: Rev. Charles Moyers, Dean Moyers (wife); the Stephens' familly: Henry (father), Eudora Stephens (mother), children Linda, Jackie, Ted, Mark and David; the Riders: Danny (father), Mildred (mother), children Bill, allen, Phillip and Danny Jr.; the Bakers: Bob, Betty, Lisa and Curtis; Mrs. Linda Welch, Keith and Lana; Alton Moyers, Ted Bazzle/Rev. George & Rae Hibbits.
The first services were in an old hospital building pictured to the right. There was operating room, 2 offices, kitchen, bathroom and a sun porch. There were people saved during this period.
In September 1966 the mission church moved to this storefront on De Soto's south main street. It was here the church was organized on June 20, 1967.
There was an auditorium with bathroom one Sunday School room downstairs and more rooms upstairs.