Our Mission Statement:
To live in the powerful example of Jesus and discover new pathways for spiritual growth.
Christ Centered: Above all, we are a Christian community dedicated to proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus is the true revelation of God, and that through him we experience abundant life.
Lutheran, Yet Diverse: While we are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, our members come from diverse and varied denominational backgrounds. We journey toward a deeper understanding of the Christian faith.
Committed to Service: We are a generous faith community, reaching out to others in a variety of ways to make the love of Christ known.
Worship: We offer a diverse worship menu, from contemporary to traditional. We believe worshiping in a variety of styles enhances our life together and gives glory to God.
Learning: Many educational opportunities are available at First Church for children, youth, and adults. Learning is imperative for vital faith development.
Finding a Ministry: First Lutheran is a team of ministers. Each of us uses our God-given gifts to build up the body of Christ. We place a high value on people using their spiritual gifts rather than just filling slots where there is a need. We value the time people give serving in ministry and want it to be meaningful.