Since 1883, the center of Mineola has had a witness to the life-changing work of God through our Lord, Jesus the Christ. Children, youth, young adults, singles, married, workers, retired -- the congregation has been a vibrant community of a variety of people.
In 2018, the church family is devoted to Jesus as revealed in the Scriptures. We worship, pray, teach, serve and support mission passionately. Women and men share their faith journeys and are united around the truth and majesty of our truly awesome God.
People matter to us because each is precious in God's eyes! The congregation crosses ethnic, political, and economic barriers. Excitement for a future yet to be revealed is contagious. The world around us changes, and the ways we do ministry change, however, the foundations of faith remain solid. The poet Edward Mote wrote, "On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand."
We value the Word of God that is preached and taught faithfully. We believe that every one of us could be abandoned by a righteous God, but He chooses to reach out to the most unlovable to say, "You have a purpose - a meaning - that far exceeds anything you can imagine. Follow me. Trust me. Love me. And know blessings that will exceed all your hopes and dreams."
The congregation is has a strong focus on mission support. We seem to always surpass expectations when given the chance to make sure the Gospel is presented to those in need. We support ministries to the least of these, often the very outcasts or forgotten people of society.
We avoid the contemporary expectations to conform ministry and our understanding of God's truth to cultural expectations. Rather, we want to be transformed by the work of Holy Spirit to know and do the will of God, "what is good and acceptable and perfect." Further, we care deeply for many people who are unfamiliar with (or opposed to) what is taught in God's Word.
Post-Modernism: Many in our community believe that traditional Christianity is mostly irrelevant today, and dismiss people of God. Our mission in this culture is to live and serve people carefully. Introducing our personal faith convictions is done lovingly, not forcefully. We truly believe that society's many ills can be addressed most effectively by Christians who humbly keep the faith that has been handed down through the ages in congregational communities large and small. Having little interest in being a large, prestigious, and influential group, our current worshiping community desires to be known as true disciples of Jesus.