A Short History of Valdosta's First Presbyterian Church
In 1695, English Puritans and other Presbyterians from Dorchester, Massachusetts, established a new Dorchester in South Carolina. In 1736, Rev. John McLeod, newly from Edinburgh Presbytery, established Presbyterianism in Georgia at Darien. A generation later, they sent people to Midway, Georgia. In 1754, some Dorchester believers moved there, too. The Midway church, thought of as Congregational, was mostly Presbyterian in belief and government. As Civil War loomed 100 years later, Midway people began to move inland. From there came Valdosta's earliest Presbyterians - names like: Baker, Bird, McGowan, Plowden, Quarterman, Thomson, Varnado, Wilcox, and Whitehead. These same names can be found today on our stained glass windows.
Those pioneers came to an undeveloped Lowndes County. Initially, Methodists, Baptists, and Presbyterians all worshiped together. Rev. Eli Graves, Presbyterian, came from Quitman to preach. Sixteen persons petitioned Florida Presbytery , and this church was organized on December 3, 1864. In 1865, Professor Samuel Varnedoe helped finance this church's first building, which was, for a while, the only church building in Valdosta.
By the turn of the century, First Presbyterian Church had become entirely self-supporting and was no longer a "home missions" congregation. The church has grown though the years under the leadership of able ministers. In 1908 the present sanctuary was built with its distinctive tall Corinthian columns and distinctive front wall. Later, additional property was purchased and buildings erected. In 1958 a fellowship hall and Sunday School rooms were added, and in 1964, as part of the celebration of its 100th birthday, the Centennial Building, where classrooms, offices, and an auditorium are located, was erected.
First Presbyterian Church has been instrumental in starting four other churches in and around Valdosta. The West End Presbyterian Church was started in 1943, the Twin Lakes Presbyterian Church in 1945, the Cecil Thompson Presbyterian Church, which is now the Kelly United Methodist Church, was started in 1946, and the Trinity Presbyterian Church in 1985.
First Presbyterian Church has grown with Valdosta and has helped Valdosta grow. Its programs are not only designed for today, but have eyes on tomorrow. Its purpose is to glorify Jesus Christ through meaningful worship, and to be God's servant.