Flint Hill Elementary School opened its doors as a ten room school in 1955 serving the growing community of children residing in Vienna . Additions in 1960 and 1969 doubled the school's capacity and, in 1977, a new boundary of Oakton families was added.
The entire plant was improved by a major facility renovation completed in May 1994 and recognized for an "Excellence in Design" award in September. Featured in the new facility are a new library/media center with the latest in integrated technology resources including an adjoining computer/ technology center, TV studio, parent and professional library, and a room for specialized language arts instruction.
New classroom designs provide the capability for computer networking and telecommunications as well as closed circuit and multiple laser and video programming. A large courtyard has become the focus of a school lab for extensive environmental science study and experimental research. A Creative Arts Center that includes an arts courtyard, a performing stage, classrooms for the exploration of music, visual arts and movement with multiple galleries for student displays supports our commitment to active child participation in an atmosphere conducive to the growth and curiosity of young learners.
Recognizing that excellence in education is a process, not a product, guides us in providing an enriching educational environment for all our children. The FCPS Program of Studies is implemented at each grade level honoring individual learning styles and recognizing the individual and social needs of the developing child. An attitude of "partnership" encourages student, staff, parent and community cooperation so that students can acquire and apply the knowledge and skills necessary to become well-adjusted, contributing members of our society.