To promote the Democratic community in Fountain Hills;
To support Democratic values, goals and activities;
To encourage and support Democratic candidates.
Who we are
We are the LD23 Precinct Committee persons, the Fountain Hills Democratic volunteers, the Liberal Ladies, the Progressive Men, and all the Democrats or progressives who live (full or part -time) in the Fountain Hills area. We are Indivisible, we are Stronger Together. We are the Resistance. We Are The People, and we feel the Bern!On the day after the 2016 election, a small group of Liberal Ladies, including a few LD23 Precinct Committee Leaders, decided we needed to "Do Something" to improve the political climate of our city and our state. After a few meetings, we decided that the biggest impact we could have to affect future Democratic change would be to begin in our own community. We formed a Democratic Club.
Its purpose would be to raise the profile of the many hidden liberals in Fountain Hills, to promote the issues that Democrats stand for, and to encourage camaraderie through participation in local events. We fulfilled a need—Democrats, Independents, and disgruntled Republicans have discovered a home in the new Fountain Hills Democratic Club.
Our first election for officers will be held during the November meeting. Until then, a Steering Committee, comprised of the original "Do Something" group members, is temporarily acting as the executive board.