The Fremont Christian Church Beliefs:
Many people have found the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to be a "bridge church," that is, one in which persons of different denominations can unite. The Disciples of Christ support unity among Christians on the basis of the Lordship of Jesus the Christ. Our goal is restoration of that spirit of unity which characterized the early church and we do not believe unity is fostered by divisive tests of fellowship.
Scripture portrays the church of Jesus the Christ as essentially, intentionally, and constitutionally one. We practice cooperation with Christians of other creeds and traditions. We maintain fellowship with other mainline Christian faiths. We have no creed but Christ. Through our form of congregational life, which includes the New Testament office of elder and deaconate (deacons and deaconess), and through weekly celebration of the Lords Table and Baptism of believers by immersion, we seek to emulate the life of the New Testament Church.