Mission :
The primary mission of the Vegas View Church of God in Christ is to function as a Christian Fellowship where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached and the ordinances and doctrine of the Fellowship of the Church of God in Christ are properly taught and administered. Furthermore, our mission shall be developed through three main directives of the church namely:
Preaching and teaching ministry to be attained through the means of public worship, community, and worldwide evangelism.
Training Christian workers for participation in fulfilling directive number one. Further, to provide a viable Christian Education Ministry for persons of all ages through its Department of Christian Education (Sunday School, Y.P.W.W., Sunshine Band, etc).
Missions and Evangelism which shall be designed to seek to meet the needs of mankind spiritually, as well as, physically, financially, and emotionally.
Vision :
A church membership of at least 1200 members
A Sunday School membership of at least 600 members
Training men and women for work in the ministry
Provide an environment for young people to grow and develop spiritually
Continue the Parson Memorial COGIC Center which will include a 1200 seat sanctuary
Establish a reading and math tutoring program for all ages
Provide the services of a full time Thrift Store/BookStore
Provide Church sponsored scholarships for each high school graduate
Provide workshops for leadership, family relationships, financial security, spiritual gifts and all areas of church development
Celebrate family with Family Fellowship Day quarterly