Friends of the Seabrook Rail Trail (FSRT)is a community based, volunteer organization in Seabrook, NH. We are striving to transform the rail beds into a community recreational trail. The hope and dream of our organization is to provide the Town of Seabrook with a beautiful community trail for all residents to enjoy.
We feel that having a safe place for our children to exercise, play, roller blade, learn to ride a bike, or even walk, will provide a real benefit to our community.
We see this becoming a community asset and resource whereby pedestrians and bicyclist can freely use the trail to exercise, connect to the library, recreation center, school, ball parks and shopping centers.
Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC), New Hampshire Seacoast Greenway (NHSG) and the East Coast Greenway (ECG) are all involved in helping us achieve this goal.
We also have the full support of the N.H. Department of Transportation (NHDOT), who owns the rail road corridor.
FSRT is currently assisting, along with RPC, NHSG, & ECG with the process of constructing a management agreement between the town of Seabrook and NHDOT.
Our role includes efforts to obtain grants and other funding in support of the trail's development, community awareness and maintenance with the goal of minimizing any expense to the Town and community.
Friends of the Seabrook Rail Trail have the support of the Seabrook Board of Selectmen, the Seabrook Planning Board and the Seabrook Conservation Commission.
We have become a tax exempt Non-Profit 501 c-(3) organization and a Charitable Trust in the state of NH.
President: Helen Lalime
Vice President: Donna May
Treasurer: Lois Vonverde
Secretary: Nuala Leong
Directors At Large: Gig Chase, Peter Chapman, Diane Chapman, Jason Janvrin.