The Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce is a vibrant, dynamic organization of nearly 400 members representing more than 20,000 employees in the Montgomery County Upcounty, including cutting-edge biotech firms, manufacturing companies, real estate development, restaurants and hotels. The Chamber is Good for Business & Good for You.
Our Mission: "To serve, represent, and be the leading advocate for the interests of our membership in ways that enhance the business environment, quality of life, and well-being of our unique communities."
The GGCC is one of the most influential forces in local government and regional economic development. We are a business organization that strengthens, enhances & protects businesses. We provide resources for businesses and individuals. The GGCC fosters business-to-business & business-to-consumer relationships through monthly networking events, special Chamber events, legislative voice and committees throughout the year.
As one of the largest chambers in Montgomery County, our legislative agenda is based on business issues that impact our members.