We believe that keeping children first in all we do is the key to our success.
We believe that achieving excellence is possible only by maintaining high expectations and addressing the individual needs of students.
We believe that providing safe environment, both physically and emotionally increases students and staff success.
Garretson Elementary School is a positive, diverse learning community committed to empowering students, collectively and individually, to become critical thinkers, problem-solvers and lifelong learners in an ever-changing and complex society. We promote continuous improvement and development of the whole child, focusing on emotional, social and intellectual development. Our school is a safe place where students, parents, staff, and community members feel comfortable and secure, yet challenged and encouraged as we maintain high expectations and promote a culture of excellence.
Garretson Elementary School was built in 1960. Since then it has been expand by two additional classroom wings and several portable structures to accommodate population growth. The current population is approximately 1050 students. Approximately 240 students are limited or non-English speaking. Garretson, a Title I services, we enjoy a very diverse student population. Garretson serves two Special Day Classes, a GATE Magnet Program (Grades 3-6) , and a Spanish Dual Immersion Magnet Program (Currently Grades K-3). In addition to children in our community and attendance area, students from throughout the Corona-Norco Unified School District attend Garretson as well.