The Georgia Film Festival is a two-day film festival hosted by the University of North Georgia on its Gainesville campus. GFF is a festival built to celebrate filmmakers & works made in the state of Georgia and in the southeast.
Filmmakers get to showcase their work and build relationships. Students who contribute to hosting the event develop a wide range of leadership and organizational skills. The Georgia Film Festival also helps to increase the visibility of the University, the Communication, Media & Journalism Department, and the Georgia film community.
Schedule of Events: Friday, September 13 Workshops for High School Students (Film and Digital Media Building) 12:30 PM - High School Student Block Inversion Story Of Driftwood Dan Burks Estate Symphony Lady Bird Lights Out Alone Keep Your Friends…
Read More »The Georgia Film Festival is a two-day film festival hosted by the University of North Georgia on its Gainesville campus. GFF is a festival built to celebrate filmmakers & works made in the state of Georgia and in the southeast. Filmmakers get…
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