Gift of Life Family House serves as a "home away from home" for transplant patients and their families by providing temporary, affordable lodging and supportive services to those who travel to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for transplant-related care. Gift of Life Family House is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization.
Gift of Life Family House enhances the lives of transplant patients and their families by addressing these essential needs:
Providing comfortable and affordable lodging in a warm, friendly atmosphere which includes a private bedroom and facilities for cooking, laundry and recreation.
Offering an emotional support system through a network including other families at the Family House undergoing the transplant journey, staff and volunteers. Quiet areas are available for those times when a family or individual needs to be alone and the kitchen and dining areas are always open to support family interaction and discussion.
Helping families to re-establish a sense of control and accountability by creating a cooperative and supportive atmosphere. Family members not only experience the benefits of the Family House, they also support Family House operations by maintaining their own rooms and assisting with the general tidiness in the common areas of the Family House.
Maintaining a network for family members and caregivers outside the walls of the Family House through the Family House Caregiver Lifeline Program, an integrated network of online educational resources, community based outreach programs and support services in the Gift of Life service area tailored specifically to caregivers of transplant patients.