Volunteering with Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas
Adults who volunteer with Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas follow a process to assist in matching their skills, experiences and the desire to give with the right opportunity, in the most efficient way. Following, please find a description of the steps in this process.
- Recruit & Engage
Prospective Volunteers attend an event, visit a Girl Scout website, or connect with another Volunteer or staff.
- Gather Information
Prospective Volunteers complete forms, providing appropriate contact information to individuals, Volunteer and staff. They are directed to complete an online volunteer application/cbc authorization at http://www.gsnetx.org/applynow.
- Screening
Prospective volunteers are screened through the use of a criminal background check report and references supplied during the application process. Eligible volunteers are notified immediately.
- Appointment & Interview
A position description defining the specific position requirements is reviewed with the volunteer. The volunteer accepts the position by signing an appointment agreement.
- Prepare & Support
Every volunteer should complete Volunteer Orientation. This covers information about Girl Scout history, the Promise and Law, the basics about the Girl Scout Program - the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
Following the orientation, each volunteer position may have additional training and support specific to the position requirements. This training is defined in the position description.
- Recognize
The Council Recognition System provides volunteers with a formal recognition process which includes progressive nominated awards.
- Assess & Reengage
Volunteer Self-Assessment will be provided to all volunteers for each position they hold through an automated assessment system. Timing of these requests will be determined by position. Reappointment agreements are completed for each position between the volunteer and the volunteer manager. Position term lengths and beginning and ending dates vary by position type.