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Glasgow Public Library

1110 Blue Ridge Road

The Glasgow Public Library was just named Library of the Year, in the category of libraries serving 25,000 - 50,000 population. The Library has hosted several meetings of public librarians, and been visited by  others. It is praised for its beauty, its layout, and its importance to the people it serves. The grand opening  celebration and community book chain the next day  were cited as well. The award was presented to Linda Krantz, Director of the Rockbridge Regional Library, by  the Virginia Public Library Directors’ Association at their annual meeting in Syria, Virginia last Friday.

At the same meeting, the Rockbridge Regional Library  received a second award, this one for staff development. The entire library staff visited seven Virginia public libraries, studying how they serve their patrons and operate efficiently, and how they’re laid out and organized. This hasn’t been tried before, and proved to be a wonderful experience for all who  participated. A brainstormed list of ideas is being prioritized as a result of the trips which took place last  month.
