Leading people to Christ
Loving people through Christ
Learning through God's Word about Christ
Looking for the return of Christ
About Us:
We believe that the local church is the primary instrument God uses to grow his kingdom
99.9% of Advent Christian beliefs are those we hold in common with Christians of all denominations, across all ages. We believe that salvation comes only by accepting Christ as our Sin bearer, Savior, and Sovereign. Looking for His Coming
The hope of Christians is that Jesus will come again.
Most Christians today look for a literal, physical coming of Jesus Christ to the earth. Many believe this coming may be soon. Advent Christians played a big part in rescuing this truth from obscurity.The Bible teaches that we do not go to heaven or hell at death. Immortality is something we must seek after and only the righteous will be given immortality by Jesus Christ at His Coming.
A Resurrection Hope
Many believe that it is only natural for every human being to go on living after death. But there is nothing about the way we are made that enables us to live on and on. All the earliest Christian creeds affirmed the belief that the future life comes only by means of the resurrection of the body.
Resurrection is a super-natural work of God. We go to our graves as dead as dead can be. We can only go on living beyond the grave if we are given our lives back again. This is just what God intends to do. He will give us back our lives, just as he gave life to us in the first place, at the resurrection. Our resurrection hope is not a blind leap of faith. Jesus has been there and done that! Because he lives we can know that we shall live also.
He is our only hope. He is all we need. He is all the world needs.