Grace Baptist Fellowship began as a mission of Murdale Baptist Church. This Mission's first service was May 20, 1990.
Grace Baptist Fellowship was born in the heart of a few families in West Frankfort, Illinois, who were lead by God to start a new mission. These families felt led to Murdale Baptist Church in Carbondale to ask that church to sponsor the mission work. The church met in the Three Angels Worship Center east of West Frankfort.
Grace Baptist constituted into a church on October 24, 1993 with fifty three members and on May 17, 1996 a church building at 202 East Oak Street in West Frankfort was purchased.
The desire of the people is to worship the Lord. We desire to be Obedient to God and to allow His leadership to be the main focus of worship. We believe that God often uses "balance" to bring divergent people together. We are asking God for the proper "balance" of scriptural tradition and freedom of the Holy Spirit. We believe that God is to be exalted, not man.
Grace Baptist Fellowship is concerned about people who do not know Christ as Savior, and also about Christians that they might grow and mature in Christ. We invite all to come and experience worship ping with us. Jesus commands us to be perfect (complete) none of us at Grace Baptist Fellowship would claim to have arrived. We are in the process, maturing only as we yield ourselves to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We at Grace Baptist Fellowship do not worship within a tightly formulated liturgy and structure. We have chosen to express our praise to God in a rather non-traditional and informal environment. Expressive and spontaneous celebration is valued and cherished here.
Legalistic adherence to man made rules and laws can lead to spiritual bondage and emotional defeat. We at Grace Baptist Fellowship trust in the Holy Spirit to change people from within as they yield their bodies, mind and hearts to His will. Grace Baptist Fellowship value being led by the Holy Spirit. We honor Jesus as our head and the Holy Spirit, as our Counselor. We seek to be obedient to His leading.
We at Grace Baptist Fellowship, first of all are Christian Believers striving to make Jesus Christ central in our lives. He is Lord of the Church, and it is around Him that our Vision, Values, Priorities, Practices and goals revolve. We also believe God desires balance to bring different people together. We are asking God for the proper balance of scriptural interpretation and freedom thru the Holy Spirit. We believe that God is to be exalted, not man. Grace Baptist Fellowship places high priority upon openness and flexibility, believing such a climate benefits growth. We are loosely structured to allow for change, freshness, and innovation. Grace Baptist Fellowship is a self-governing body who willingly and consciously chooses to be affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. We therefore adopt the Baptist Faith and Message as a guideline and statement of our beliefs. Our Fellowship is much like a caring family that values community, freedom, humor, fun, commitment and loyalty.