The beginning of Grace Church can be traced back to October 7, 1962. Even before this time a number of people were praying that a gospel preaching work would be started in southern Schuylkill County. This work began as a Sunday School in the home of Warren and Clara Yeich located near Auburn, PA. Pastor Craig and Mildred Pierce started the work. In April, 1963 the name Grace Independent Baptist was adopted. It was decided shortly thereafter to have a church service as well as Sunday School.
On May 18, 1963 the small group of eleven adults made the decision to buy a plot of land along 895E and 61 to build a parsonage and garage. Construction began on July 15 and the first service was held on October 6, 1963. The garage served as a chapel and Sunday School classes were held in rooms and basement of the parsonage-Pierce's home. The official charter was granted by the state of Pennsylvania on July 20, 1964.
The charter members were: Emily Buddon (Heckman), Hilda Buddon (Balthaser), Clyde Derstine, Marge Derstine, Earl Hess, Pearl Hess, Pastor Craig Pierce, Mildred Pierce, Fern Ulrich (Gotshall), Clara Yeich and Warren Yeich. There were sixteen children and teenagers attending at this time. Mrs. Pierce started our first Bible School in August, 1964, which was a real success and good outreach in the community, just as they have been since then.
An addition was added to the chapel, which doubled the seating capacity to approximately 100. In October, 1967 the Lord led the board to purchase an acre of land adjacent to the chapel for further growth. As the Lord blessed, plans were made to build a new church building. Construction began on May 21, 1972. Upon completion, the seating capacity was approximately 250. We all rejoiced at the dedication service for the new building on June 10, 1973.