Our vision is to impact individual lives and families in New Glarus and the surrounding area with the life-changing power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Partnering with other life-giving churches to serve people, we foresee vibrant communities of believers who honor God and impact their world.
Our Values
-We value the Bible as the infallible Word of God and as the primary source for determining doctrine and how to live the Christian life.
-We value prayer as vital, effective and real communion with God.
-We value the spiritual gifts God has given, enabling us to fulfill The Great Commission of sharing the Gospel throughout the world.
-We value walking out this spiritual journey together through healthy relationships which provide for fellowship, encouragement and discipleship.
-We value the unity of believers and honor other life-giving churches and individuals who love God.
-We value the peace and joy available to all believers who pursue God and His plans.
-We value being culturally relevant as a church while remaining committed to sound doctrine.