Treating everyone we encounter with dignity and respect, Great Basin College provides superior, student-centered, post-secondary education in rural Nevada.Effectively addressing the ever-evolving and often disparate needs of our students career seeking/enhancing, degree seeking, and casual by means of innovative practices and technologies, resourcefulness, insight, and foresight. Continually seeking improved methods and technologies for delivering education at a distance, across our rural 62,000 square mile service area. Promoting the mutual enrichment, ongoing development, and collegiality of our faculty, staff, and administration toward the pursuit of excellence, while maintaining the personal, accessible presence of a real community college.Attuning with and anticipating the needs of business, industry, and government entities in our service area and tailoring our academic programs to serve them well both now and in the future by matriculating students who are competent and confident, able and willing to enter the workforce, step up in the workforce, or pursue a higher degree. Celebrating the rich and unique history of our region and its indigenous peoples while also cultivating appreciation of the diversity among us, in the region and the world, during the present day, so that that after they complete their time with us, our students are prepared to actively participate as members of the global community. Fostering awareness of our physical, natural environment for the benefit, enrichment, and edification of future generations. Offering cultural enrichment opportunities performances, lectures, concerts, exhibits, and the like for communities in our service area. Making responsible, resourceful, and worthwhile use of our funding and honoring the objectives and intentions of its sources.