Mission and Vision:
To promote a positive business climate where businesses can succeed and grow, while facilitating and developing economic opportunities for all businesses and residents of the greater Holyoke area.
The Greater Holyoke Chamber of Commerce is a proactive business organization that provides high value marketing and networking opportunities and effective public policy advocacy for a broad-based membership of businesses in greater Holyoke. The Chamber’s activities are focused on increasing economic growth, building a more prosperous community and striving for a higher quality of life for its residents and businesses.
The Holyoke Board of Trade was incorporated in 1890 to promote the business interests of Holyoke. In 1914, the name was changed to the Holyoke Chamber of Commerce, According to the Chamber of Commerce Constitution and By-Laws, adopted in 1919, “The object of the Holyoke Chamber of Commerce shall be to promote the economic, civic, and social welfare of the people of Holyoke and vicinity.” The same document states that “All persons who sympathize with the object of the Holyoke Chamber of Commerce shall be eligible for membership.”
These objectives have been refined and extended over the years. The Holyoke Chamber of Commerce now aims to help members develop their markets; to make Holyoke more attractive to businesses and tourists; to help people from the area become more self-sufficient and productive; to actively support favorable legislation; and to maintain the Chamber’s financial strength.
The Chamber frequently partners with other organizations to achieve these ends. One such partnership developed with Greater Holyoke Inc., a non-profit started in 1984 which frequently appears in the press clippings and printed materials after that date. More recently, the Chamber has partnered with Grow Holyoke, a community network devoted to economic growth and job creation. The Greater Holyoke Centennial Foundation was founded on June 19, 1990 and supports programs for the betterment of Holyoke.
About Us:
The Greater Holyoke Chamber of Commerce works to promote and to build a positive perception of Holyoke both inside and outside the city. As the representative of the business community, the Chamber frequently collaborates with other groups in a team effort. Growing in activity and importance is the work of Grow Holyoke, a community network devoted to promoting growth, expansion, and jobs in the City of Holyoke.
The Chamber is the advocate for businesses in the local and state legislative areas. Delving into issues, working in coalitions with other organizations, and communicating with legislators is an ongoing effort. Local and state issues that affect business growth and jobs, and the financial viability of the City, Valley and Commonwealth are all on the docket.
Business Development is a core service of the Chamber, providing opportunities for business people to interact and expand their customer base.
Resources to support the education, training, and workforce development programs of the Chamber are housed within the Greater Holyoke Chamber Centennial Foundation, Inc., a 501c3 organization. Tax-deductible contributions may be made to the Foundation at any time. Major programs within the Foundation are: Holyoke Job Link, Holyoke Tutor/Mentor Program, and Holyoke Works. See Workforce Development section for more information.