The Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce is organized to encourage leadership by business and professional individuals to improve business relations, economic well-being and the quality of living in Ketchikan for the benefit of the entire community.
To accomplish this, our Chamber is dedicated to:
promoting and improving the economy by increasing the tax base, encouraging business prospects and investments, and providing a constant level of employment by supporting the local job market.
keeping the community informed on current government issues, maintaining accurate date and informational material on the local business climate, and providing answers to specific inquiries.
improving and developing the areas of natural and human resources by becoming involved in the education system, environmental effects on employment and recreation, cultural influences and government issues. The Chamber has earned recognition and respect for presenting workable solutions to a variety of community situations.
uniting with local business and professional people, as well as individuals to form a working partnership to accomplish things that most people think just happen! Through coordinated efforts under effective leadership, the Chamber can achieve civic, commercial and community advancement.
Goals :
The Chamber Advocates:
- community economic development
- commercial and industrial development
- improving Ketchikan's quality of life through Chamber activities
- informing our members and the community on important issues
- developing a regional, statewide and national issue priority list.