The first farmers market in a long time, in Guilderland. It's more then just farm fresh goods from local farmers but it's also having the following; crafters, wood builders, sampling of homemade beverages and farm fresh cooked food, along with live music, items that were repurposed, vintage items, special guests, how to's, SPECIAL Events, artists, competitions, people that are selling salvage wood, and more. It's like a farmers market mixed with a swap meet, tag sale, art gallery, a much smaller brimfield, and sessions (how to do's)that will teach, inspire, and create ecological awareness. I like to call it a farmers open market, some call it an outdoor market, or just call it a place where the community can come together and support local, regional farmers, crafters, artists, locally made beverages and cooked foods. Ever Sunday in August and September, cultivating into a Harvest Festival celebration The first Sunday in October. (the last sunday in September is 50/50 as of now)