To focus on issues important to the business community
To improve the quality of life of all our citizens
To enhance the business climate
To sponsor activities which stimulate economic prosperity and community development
To market & provide member driven services, programs and activities that create value for our members and that attract additional community support
To raise awareness of Chamber activities
To support member retention and recruitment
About Us:
Our Community is made up of dozens of churches, schools, family owned businesses, parks, antique shops, banks, and most of all, friendly neighborhoods that are inviting, warm and safe. We are proud of our community volunteerism, active service organizations and business leaders. I trust that you will find the information available on our website useful as you make your decision about moving to Hardin County.
Savannah/Hardin County Chamber of Commerce is made up of approximately 300 businesses, individuals, churches, schools, and government officials who are all anxious to be of service to you.