About Us:
The Millburn Schools are considered to be some of the finest in the state. Hartshorn School is an active learning environment where highly trained and committed faculty and staff interact with students. Our curriculum is rich and challenging while our school ethos encourages appreciation of the individual student. Hartshorn School is a community dedicated to the development of the full potential of each student - academically, socially, physically, emotionally and esthetically.
Hartshorn is one of five elementary schools in the Millburn Township School system. There is one town-wide Middle School and one High School. The school is located in Short Hills at the intersection of Hartshorn Drive and White Oak Ridge Road. Built in 1958, the school completed a major building program begun early in 1996 and completed in June 1997, and another building addition completed in the fall of 2004.
The Kindergarten program is developmental and allows each child to become a part of the school. Math and reading readiness join the other disciplines in a theme presentation. Formal reading instruction begins in grade one. Emphasis is placed on Language Arts (reading, listening, speaking and writing) as an integrated whole throughout the grades. In the mathematics area, concepts and computation are linked and problem solving is emphasized. Science and Social Studies are presented thematically and are often integrated with the other subjects.
Special subjects are presented weekly. These are Art, Music, Computer, and Library Skills. Physical Education is offered twice weekly. Instruction in string instruments begins in fourth grade, with instrumental music continuing in the fifth grade. The services of the Child Study Team, including Learning Consultant, Psychologist, Social Worker and Special Education teachers, are available to those students who need them.
The Library/Media Center is an essential component of our educational program. It offers fully automated cataloguing, a mobile laptop writing center, and a variety of research programs. There are computers and printers in each classroom. Every classroom is connected to the Internet and has e-mail and video capabilities. All classrooms have television monitors connected to computers for instructional use. In addition, there is a computer center, where specific skills are taught and students conduct research projects. The use of technology is integrated throughout the curricula. The instructional platform is Apple Macintosh.
Parent-teacher conferences are held in November and April. Teachers encourage communication and are available to schedule appointments with parents if a need arises. Homework is assigned nightly in grades two, three, four and five.
Volunteers play an active role in our school. Under the direction of the PTO, parents work as library volunteers, field trip chaperones, special lunch helpers, Book Fair workers, Supply Sale workers, Bake Sale workers and in many other vital roles. The PTO is a successful fund raising organization that provides the budget for items such as cultural assemblies, field trip transportation and many gifts to our instructional program including library books, software, and encyclopedias.
The After-School Enrichment program is an active one that features several choices each day. The selections change yearly and could range from the arts to karate and chess. The program is held from 3 until 4 PM and has two sessions, in the fall and winter. It is organized and directed by the PTO.