We are a non-affiliated (independent) Bible believing Baptist Church. We believe that doctrine is important and that is why we offer a Christ-centered, Bible based ministry. It is our desire for you to know the Word of God and the God of the Word in a real and relevant way. If you like teaching and preaching that is straight forward, where the Scripture is held in high esteem, and practical application is kept in mind, then Harvest Baptist will be a blessing to you.
As an independent Baptist Church we may not do everything like your last church did. We are conservative but not legalistic. We preach for life changing decisions to be made. It is not our intention for you to leave "feeling good" but rather "being Godly." The trend of the day is to diminish or to cease Sunday night and Wednesday night services. We hold them in high esteem and want to see them grow for the glory of God. As you visit what you see is pretty much "who we are;" a down-to-earth people from all walks of life who desire to know Him and make Him known to others.