Our Mission:
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we seek to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Our Vision:
To be a Christ-centered community committed to biblical worship and teaching that reaches all people, restores them to wholeness, equips them for service, and sends them to reach others.
Our Core Values:
We seek to live in community
We desire to provide a true and healthy experience of “family” for all kinds of people, including those who have suffered pain and loss in their nuclear and extended family relationships.
We actively seek to rejoice with one another as well as bear one another’s burdens in all areas of life, not just the spiritual.
We encourage relationships across generations, and structure our activities to include a balance of age-specific and age-mixed opportunities.
We seek to be genuinely welcoming to all who choose to participate with us.
We seek to live in authenticity
We aim to be honest with God and with one another about our struggles with sin and weakness, not pretending to be something we are not.
We seek to relate to God both publicly and privately in a way that is genuine, without showmanship or pretense.
We desire to be active in demonstrating, not just talking about, love to a world desperately in need of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We seek to live in humility
We purposefully share leadership, including our Sunday morning teaching, among gifted individuals rather than looking to one individual.
We seek to serve alongside and encourage other local churches and ministries, including but not limited to those with whom we share our facility.
We desire to emphasize what is most central and important to the historic Christian faith, not allowing secondary issues to distract or cause division.
We trust in Jesus Christ himself, and not simply in our own human efforts, to draw people to saving faith.