We offer a weekly share of Veganically grown, freshly picked vegetables and herbs. This year our season runs for 20 weeks from Tuesday, May 24 through Tuesday, October 4. Additional weeks may be offered depending on seasonal frost. Member share pickup is on Tuesdays from 4:30-7 p.m. at Hesperides Organica's Farm Market at 150 Florence Avenue in Hawthorne, New Jersey, 16 Skyline Lakes Drive, Ringwood, NJ or 5 Owl Lane, Warwick, NY.
Hesperides are nymphs who tend a blissful garden in a far western corner of the world near the Atlas mountains on a blessed island. We tend 12 blissful acres of black dirt in the far western corner of Orange County, New York, near Mt. Adam and Eve on Big Island Road.
We practice sustainable agriculture with the intention of minimizing the use of fossil fuels. Our focus is to promote locally grown vegetables and herbs on small family farms. Soil fertility is maintained through the use of crop rotation, fallow fields, compost tea and cover crops. We grow a variety of vegetables, herbs and flowers. We offer a limited number of shares of produce and donate the rest of the harvest to local food banks and homeless shelters.
CSA Details: - Season: May through October - Type: Multiple farm - Since: 2007 - No of Shares: 80 - Work Req? No
Pick Up/Drop Off Points:
- Hesperides Organica's Farm Market (Tue) Members pick up shares on Tuesdays between 2:30 and 7 p.m. at the store. Other items such as honey, eggs, cheese, grass-fed meat, etc. are also available for sale. Contact:Lisa VanDenBerg Phone: 845-216-1282 Address:150 Florence Avenue (behind 27 Utter Avenue) , Hawthorne, NJ 07506
- Hesperides Organica's Farm Market (Tue) Members may pick up shares on Tuesdays after 1 p.m. Contact:Lisa VanDenBerg Phone: 845-216-1282 Address: 5 Owl Lane, Warwick, NY 10990