To protect and preserve, in the community of Flat Rock in Henderson County, NC, such landmarks (including but not limited to public buildings, churches, houses, woodlands and open spaces) as are or may be of historical, architectural, cultural or recreational value to the community, state, and nation.
To solicit funds with which to purchase property described in paragraph (a) for purposes of protection or preservation; to dispose of such property through sale to individuals, corporations, or institutions.
To discover and collect materials of historical, artistic, or literary value; to provide for the preservation of such material and for its accessibility, as far as may be feasible, to all who wish to examine or study it; to operate a cultural center; to disseminate historical information and arouse interest in the past by publishing historical material in the newspapers or otherwise; by holding meetings with addresses, lectures, papers, and discussions; and by marking historic buildings, sites and trails.
About Us:
We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving our area's heritage for future generations.
Our sole purpose is to preserve historic homes, views and land in the Village of Flat Rock and surrounding area. We want to protect the Village from unwise development and enhance the beauty that is here through historic preservation.