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12501 West Hawk Lane
About Us :
Houston High, students are exposed to a sound comprehensive curriculum, a myriad of extracurricular activities, and the opportunity to develop character, honor and the necessary skills to be contributing members of society. At Houston High our administration, faculty and staff will provide a safe community environment of involved students and quality educators who promote individual success through caring, positive relationships. As students experience success and build confidence they will gain skills necessary to compete and contribute in a global community. Through high academic standards and cooperative relationship building among parents, students, and staff, students will learn to see obstacles as opportunities to achieve success.
Houston High School enjoys a positive atmosphere that encourages every student to achieve their potential educationally, socially and physically. Such an atmosphere has been accomplished with dedicated staff and a student body that accepts responsibility. The choices students make today significantly influence their character and the person they strive to become later in life. The H.H.S. Student Handbook and District Student Rights and Responsibilities clarify the policies and procedures pertaining to students activities and responsibilities as set forth by Houston High School, Central Office, and the School Board. The Student Handbook governs each student's code of conduct and their responsibilities at school. It is the responsibility of each student to read, understand, and abide by the rules and regulations stated in each of these documents.