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1954 Union Road
Rolling Prairie Farmer's Alliance has the distinction of being a growing and marketing coop of six organically oriented farms located in NE Kansas. The advantage to the consumer is that your vegetables and fruits are grown by farmers with a broad range of gardening skills and interests on six farms that each have their own microclimates and charscteristics. If one farm is hit by a devastating hailstorm (This has happened.) the other farms are able to take up the slack.
Hoyland Farm is in Eastern Kansas. It is named Hoyland (Highland) because we are located on a divide between several watersheds.We have been growing vegetables organically since 1976. We have been certified since 1994. We cultivate about three acres of our farm. The rest is woods, ponds, and pastures. For the past thirteen years our marketing has been primarily through The Rolling Prairie Farmers' Alliance. This is a cooprative of six organically oriented farmers who run a subscription CSA that is embarking on its 13th year of marketing to about 300 households in Lawrence and Kansas City. Our customers sign up for the growing season and pick up a bag of produce each week at The Community Mercantile (Mondays) or the Senior Center (Thursdays) in Lawrence and at Johnson County Community College or The Franklin Center in Kansas City (Wednesdays).
CSA Details:
- Season: May through October
- Type: Multiple farm
- Since: 1994
- No of Shares: 250
- Full Share: $16.00/week for the growing season
-Work Req? No
Pick Up/Drop Off Points:
- Community Mercantile
Members pick up their shares on Mondays between 4:00 and 6:30.
Contact: Robert Lominska
Phone: 785-842-5697
Address: 901 Iowa Street , Lawrence, KS 66044
- Johnson County Community College
Members pick up their shares at the Horticultural Center between 4:00 and 6:00 on Wednesdays.
Contact: Stu Shafer
Phone: 785-842-5697